
2019-2020 Güz Yarıyılında Kayıtlanan Öğrenciler İçin Geçerli Eğitim Planı
First SemesterPrerequisite /
PHYS121General Physics I(3+2)4 7
CHEM121General Chemistry I(3+0)3 5
CHEM141General Chemistry Lab(0+2)1 2
MATH145Calculus for Engineering and Science I(4+2)5 7
CE101Introduction to Civil Engineering(2+0)2 6
ENG101Development of Reading and Writing Skills I(3+0)3 3
Total : 18 CreditsTotal: 30 Ects 
Second SemesterPrerequisite /
MATH 146Calculus for Engineering and Science II (4+2)5 8
PHYS122General Physics II (3+2)4 8
ENG 102Development of Reading and Writing Skills II (3+0)3 3
CE102Technical Drawing(2+2)3 5
CE221Engineering  Mechanics I: Statics (2+2)3MATH 145 6
Total : 18 CreditsTotal: 30 Ects 
Third SemesterPrerequisite /
MATH255Differential Equations  (4+0)4 6
CE224Mechanics of Materials (2+2)3CE2215
CE231Engineering Economy(3+0)3 3
CE241Materials Science(2+2)3 4
CE203Engineering Geology(2+2)3 4
CE205Statistical Methods for Engineers(3+0)3 4
HIST201Principles of Atatürk I(2+0)0 2
TURK201Turkish Language I(2+0)0 2
TURK**203Turkish for Foreigners I (2+0)0 2
HIST**203History of Turkish Revolution I (2+0)0 2
** Yabancı uyruklu öğrenciler HIST 201 dersi yerine HIST 203 dersini, TURK 201 dersi yerine TURK 203 dersini alacaklardır.
Total : 19 CreditsTotal: 30 Ects
Fourth SemesterPrerequisite /
MATH265Basic Linear Algebra(3+0)3 4
CE204Engineering Surveying(2+2)3 4
CE222Engineering  Mechanics II: Dynamics (3+0)3PHYS 121 5
CE104Introduction to Computer Programming(2+2)3 5
CE244Materials of Construction(3+2)4 4
CE272Fluid Mechanics(3+0)3 4
HIST202Principles of Atatürk II(2+0)0 2
TURK202Turkish Language II(2+0)0 2
TURK**204Yabancılar İçin Türkçe II (2+0)0 2
HIST**204Türk Devrim Tarihi II (2+0)0 2
** Yabancı uyruklu öğrenciler HIST 201 dersi yerine HIST 203 dersini, TURK 201 dersi yerine TURK 203 dersini alacaklardır.
Total : 19 CreditsTotal: 30 Ects 
Fifth SemesterPrerequisite /
CE301Numerical Methods in Engineering (3+0)3MATH 145  and MATH 146 3
CE361Soil Mechanics I(3+2)4 5
CE371Hydromechanics (3+2)4CE 272 4
CE321Introduction to Structural Mechanics (3+0)3CE 224 6
CE351Introduction to Transportation Engineering(2+2)3 5
CE300Summer Practice I(0+0)0 7
Total : 17 CreditsTotal: 30 Ects 
Sixth SemesterPrerequisite /
CE362Foundation Engineering I (3+0)3CE 361 (3+2)45
CE362Foundation Engineering I (3+0)3CE 361 5
CE372Engineering Hydrology(3+0)3 5
CE322Introduction to Structural Analysis (3+0)3CE 224 6
CE324Fundamentals of Reinforced Concrete Design (3+0)3CE 224 6
CE332Construction Engineering and Management(3+0)3 5
  Non-Technical Elective(3+0)3 3
Total : 18 CreditsTotal: 30 Ects 
Seventh SemesterPrerequisite /
CE421Fundamentals of Structural Steel Design(3+0)3CE 224 4
CE471Water Resources Engineering (3+0)3CE 371 4
  Technical Elective(3+0)3 5
  Technical Elective(3+0)3 5
  Technical Elective(3+0)3 5
CE400Summer Practice II(0+0)0 7
Total : 15 CreditsTotal: 30 Ects 
Eigth SemesterPrerequisite /
CE402Civil Engineering Design(0+6)3 12
  Technical Elective(3+0)3 5
  Technical Elective(3+0)3 5
  Technical Elective(3+0)3 5
  Non-Technical Elective(3+0)3 3
Total : 15 CreditsTotal: 30 Ects 
TOTAL CREDITS : 139Total: 240 Ects 

* Design Elective Courses

Arrangements for Technical Elective Courses for Students Registered Between the 2019-2021 Academic Year

  1. In the seventh semester, the student chooses Geotechnics, Building Materials, Transportation, Water Resources and Hydraulics or Structural Mechanics.
  2. At least five of the six technical elective courses must be taken from the courses related to all the fields mentioned in Article 1. In this regard, with the approval of the advisor, at most one technical elective course may be selected from a different faculty, department, or program — outside the Civil Engineering Undergraduate program.
  3. At least two of the technical elective courses must be taken from the selected field, and at least one of these courses must be a design course.
  4. At least two of the technical elective courses must be design courses.
  5. In order to register for the CE 402 course, at least one technical elective design course must be achieved from the selected field.
  6. The subject of the design project carried out within the scope of CE 402 should be determined from the selected area.
Education Plan for Undergraduate Students Enrolled between the 2021-2023 Academic Years
First SemesterPrerequisite ECTS
PHYS121General   Physics I(3+2)4 7
CHEM121General   Chemistry I(3+0)3 5
CHEM141General   Chemistry Lab(0+2)1 2
MATH145Calculus   for Engineering and Science I(4+2)5 7
CE101Introduction   to Civil Engineering(2+0)2 6
ENG101Development   of Reading and Writing Skills I(3+0)3 3
Total : 18 CreditsTotal: 30 ECTS
Second SemesterPrerequisiteECTS
MATH146Calculus   for Engineering and Science II(4+2)5 8
PHYS122General   Physics II(3+2)4 8
ENG102Development   of Reading and Writing Skills II(3+0)3 3
GCC101Career Planning And Development(2+0)0 2
CE102Technical   Drawing(2+2)3 5
CE221Engineering    Mechanics I: Statics(2+2)3MATH   1456
Total : 18 CreditsTotal: 32 ECTS
Third SemesterPrerequisiteECTS
MATH255Differential   Equations(4+0)4 6
CE224Mechanics   of Materials(2+2)3CE2215
CE231Engineering   Economy(3+0)3 3
CE241Materials   Science(2+2)3 4
CE203Engineering   Geology(2+2)3 4
CE205Statistical   Methods for Engineers(3+0)3 4
HIST201Principles   of Atatürk I(2+0)0 2
TURK201Turkish   Language I(2+0)0 2
TURK**203Turkish   for Foreigners I(2+0)0 2
HIST**203History   of Turkish Revolution I(2+0)0 2
** Yabancı uyruklu öğrenciler HIST 201 dersi   yerine HIST 203 dersini, TURK 201 dersi yerine TURK 203 dersini alacaklardır.
Total : 19 CreditsTotal: 30 ECTS
Fourth SemesterPrerequisiteECTS
MATH265Basic   Linear Algebra(3+0)3 4
CE204Engineering   Surveying(2+2)3 4
CE222Engineering    Mechanics II: Dynamics(3+0)3PHYS   1215
CE104Introduction   to Computer Programming(2+2)3 5
CE244Materials   of Construction(3+2)4 4
CE272Fluid   Mechanics(3+0)3 4
HIST202Principles   of Atatürk II(2+0)0 2
TURK202Turkish   Language II(2+0)0 2
TURK**204Yabancılar İçin   Türkçe II(2+0)0 2
HIST**204Türk Devrim Tarihi   II(2+0)0 2
** Yabancı uyruklu öğrenciler HIST 201 dersi   yerine HIST 203 dersini, TURK 201 dersi yerine TURK 203 dersini alacaklardır.
Total : 19 CreditsTotal: 30 ECTS
Fifth SemesterPrerequisiteECTS
CE301Numerical   Methods in Engineering(3+0)3MATH 145    and MATH 1463
CE361Soil   Mechanics I(3+2)4 5
CE371Hydromechanics(3+2)4CE   2724
CE321Introduction   to Structural Mechanics(3+0)3CE   2246
CE351Introduction   to Transportation Engineering(2+2)3 5
CE300Summer   Practice I(0+0)0 7
Total : 17 CreditsTotal: 30 ECTS
Sixth SemesterPrerequisiteECTS
CE362Foundation   Engineering I(3+0)3CE   3615
CE372Engineering   Hydrology(3+0)3 5
CE322Introduction   to Structural Analysis(3+0)3CE   2246
CE324Fundamentals   of Reinforced Concrete Design(3+0)3CE   2246
CE332Construction   Engineering and Management(3+0)3 5
  Non-Technical   Elective(3+0)3 3
Total : 18 CreditsTotal: 30 ECTS
Seventh SemesterPrerequisiteECTS
CE421Fundamentals   of Structural Steel Design(3+0)3CE   2244
CE471Water   Resources Engineering(3+0)3CE   3714
  Technical   Elective(3+0)3 5
  Technical   Elective(3+0)3 5
  Technical   Elective(3+0)3 5
CE400Summer   Practice II(0+0)0 7
Total : 15 CreditsTotal: 30 ECTS
Eighth SemesterPrerequisiteECTS
CE402Civil   Engineering Design(0+6)3 12
  Technical   Elective(3+0)3 5
  Technical   Elective(3+0)3 5
  Technical   Elective(3+0)3 5
  Non-Technical   Elective(3+0)3 3
Total : 15 CreditsTotal: 30 ECTS
Technical Elective Courses of each Branchs
Structural MechanicsPrerequisiteECTS
CE422*Structural Design: Concrete Structures(3+0)3CE 3245
CE423Introduction to Structural Dynamics(3+0)3CE 2225
CE424*Introduction to Earthquake Resistant Design(3+0)3 5
CE425Structural Analysis(3+0)3 5
CE426Theory of Matrix Structural Analysis(3+0)3CE 3015
CE428*Structural Design: Steel Structures(3+0)3CE 2245
CE429Computer Applications in Structural Engineering(3+0)3 5
CE430Reinforced Concrete(3+0)3CE 3245
Water Resources and HydraulicsPrerequisiteECTS
CE472 Computer Applications in Water Resources(3+0)3



CE473* Design of Water Distribution Systems (3+0)3CE 3715
CE474 Introduction to Groundwater Flow Modeling(3+0)3

CE 301

CE 372

CE475*Design of Hydraulic Structures(3+0)3

CE 371

CE 471

CE476Groundwater Monitoring and Assessment(3+0)3CE 3715
CE477Planning and Development of Hydropower Structures(3+0)3 5
CE478Introduction to GIS applications in Water Engineering(3+0)3 5
CE479Coastal Hydraulics(3+0)3 5
CE480*Design of Coastal Structures(3+0)3 5
CE482*Design of Coastal Protection Structures(3+0)3CE 4795
Materials of ConstructionPrerequisiteECTS
CE441Concrete Technology(3+0)3 5
CE442*Construction Materials Design(2+2)3 5
CE443Introduction to Historical Construction Materials(3+0)3 5
CE451Planning and Analysis of Transportation Systems (3+0)3CE  3515
CE452*Highway and Airport Pavement Materials(3+0)3CE  3515
CE453*Highway, Railway, Port and Airport Design(3+0)3CE 3515
CE454Traffic Engineering(3+0)3 5
CE461Soil Mechanics II(2+2)3CE   3615
CE462Introduction to Soil Dynamics(3+0)3CE 3615
CE463Foundation Engineering II(3+0)3CE 3625
CE464*Soil Modeling and Computational Soil Mechanics (3+0)3

CE 301

CE 361


* Design Elective Courses

Arrangements for Technical Elective Courses for Students Registered Between the 2021-2023 Academic Year

  1. In the seventh semester, the student chooses Geotechnics, Building Materials, Transportation, Water Resources and Hydraulics or Structural Mechanics.
  2. At least five of the six technical elective courses must be taken from the courses related to all the fields mentioned in Article 1. In this regard, with the approval of the advisor, at most one technical elective course may be selected from a different faculty, department, or program — outside the Civil Engineering Undergraduate program.
  3. At least two of the technical elective courses must be taken from the selected field, and at least one of these courses must be a design course.
  4. At least two of the technical elective courses must be design courses.
  5. In order to register for the CE 402 course, at least one technical elective design course must be achieved from the selected field.
  6. The subject of the design project carried out within the scope of CE 402 should be determined from the selected area.
                                                                                   First Semester
Course CodeCourse Name(T+U)ECTSPrerequisite
MATH 141Basic Calculus I(3-2)45 
PHYS 121General Physics I(3-2)47 
CHEM 121General Chemistry I(3-0)35 
CHEM 141General Chemistry Lab(0-2)12 
CE 101Introduction to Civil Engineering and Sustainability(2-0)26 
ENG 101Development of Reading and Writing Skills I(3-0)33 
 Semester Credit1728 
                                                                                Second Semester
Course CodeCourse Name(T+U)ECTSPrerequisite
MATH 142Basic Calculus II(3-2)46MATH 141
PHYS 122General Physics II(3-2)48 
ENG 102Development of Reading and Writing Skills II(3-0)33 
GCCCareer Planning And Development(2-0)02 
CE 102Technical Drawing(2-2)35 
CE 122Statics(2-2)36 
 Semester Credit1730 
                                                                                   Third Semester
Course CodeCourse Name(T+U)ECTSPrerequisite
MATH 241Calculus III(3-2)45MATH 142
CE 224Mechanics of Materials(2-2)35CE 122
CE 231Engineering Economy(3-0)33 
CE 241Materials Science(2-2)34 
CE 203Engineering Geology(2-2)34 
CE 205Statistical Methods for Engineers(3-0)34 
HIST 201Principles of Atatürk I(2-0)NC2 
TURK 201Turkish Language I(2-0)NC2 
HIST** 203History of Turkish Revolution I(2-0)NC2 
TURK** 203Turkish for Foreigners I(2-0)NC2 
 Semester Credit1929 
                                                                                    Fourth Semester
Course CodeCourse Name(T+U)ECTSPrerequisite
MATH 255Differential Equations(4-0)46 
CE 204Engineering Surveying(2-2)34 
CE 232Construction Management(3-0)35 
CE 240Basic Computer Programming(2-2)35 
CE 244Materials of Construction(3-2)44 
CE 272Fluid Mechanics(3-0)34 
HIST 202Principles of Atatürk II(2-0)NC2 
TURK 202Turkish Language II(2-0)NC2 
HIST** 204History of Turkish Revolution II(2-0)NC2 
TURK** 204Turkish for Foreigners II(2-0)NC2 
 Semester Credit2032 
                                                                                 Fifth Semester
Course CodeCourse Name(T+U)ECTSPrerequisite
CE 307Numerical Methods in Engineering and Linear Algebra(4-0)45MATH 241
CE 361Soil Mechanics I(3-0)35 
CE 371Hydromechanics(3-2)44CE 272
CE 321Introduction to Structural Mechanics(3-0)36CE 224
CE 391Fundamentals of Structural Dynamics(3-0)35 
CE 300Summer Practice INC7 
 Semester Credit1732 
                                                                               Sixth Semester
Course CodeCourse Name(T+U)ECTSPrerequisite
CE 362Foundation Engineering I(3-0)35CE 361
CE 372Engineering Hydrology(3-0)35 
CE 322Introduction to Structural Analysis(3-0)36CE 224
CE 324Fundamentals of Reinforced Concrete Design(3-0)36CE 224
CE 351Introduction to Transportation Engineering(2-2)35 
 Non-Technical Elective(3-0)33 
 Semester Credit1830 
                                                                           Seventh Semester
Course CodeCourse Name(T+U)ECTSPrerequisite
CE 421Fundamentals of Structural Steel Design(3-0)34CE 224
CE 471Water Resources Engineering(3-0)34CE 371
CE 441Principles of Earthquake Resistant Design(2-2)35CE 391, CE 324
 Technical Elective(3-0)35 
 Technical Elective(3-0)35 
CE 400Summer Practice IIKredisiz7 
 Semester Credit1530 
                                                                         Eighth Semester
Course CodeCourse Name(T+U)ECTSPrerequisite
CE 402Civil Engineering Design(0-6)312 
 Technical Elective(3-0)35 
 Technical Elective(3-0)35 
 Technical Elective(3-0)35 
 Non-Technical Elective(3-0)33 
 Semester Credit1530 
 Total Credit138241 
                                                 Technical Elective Courses of each Branchs
CE422*Structural Design: Concrete
(3+0)3CE 3245
CE425Structural Analysis(3+0)3 5
CE426Theory of Matrix Structural
(3+0)3CE 3075
CE428*Structural Design: Steel
(3+0)3CE 2245
CE429Computer Applications in
Structural Engineering
(3+0)3 5
CE430Reinforced Concrete(3+0)3CE 3245
Resources and Hydraulics
CE472Computer Applications in
Water Resources
(3+0)3CE307 CE 2725
CE473*Design of Water
Distribution Systems 
(3+0)3CE 3715
CE474Introduction to Groundwater
Flow Modeling
(3+0)3CE 307 CE 3725
CE475*Design of Hydraulic Structures(3+0)3CE 371 CE 4715
CE476Groundwater Monitoring and
(3+0)3CE 3715
CE477Planning and Development of
Hydropower Structures
(3+0)3 5
CE478Introduction to GIS applications
in Water Engineering
(3+0)3 5
CE479Coastal Hydraulics(3+0)3 5
CE480*Design of Coastal Structures(3+0)3 5
CE482*Design of Coastal Protection
(3+0)3 5
of Construction
CE441Concrete Technology(3+0)3 5
CE442*Construction Materials Design(2+2)3 5
CE443Introduction to Historical
Construction Materials
(3+0)3 5
CE451Planning and Analysis of
Transportation Systems 
(3+0)3CE  3515
CE452*Highway and Airport Pavement
(3+0)3CE  3515
CE453*Highway, Railway, Port and
Airport Design
(3+0)3CE 3515
CE454Traffic Engineering(3+0)3 5
CE461Soil Mechanics II(2+2)3CE   3615
CE462Introduction to Soil Dynamics(3+0)3CE 3615
CE463Foundation Engineering II(3+0)3CE 3625
CE464*Soil Modeling and Computational
Soil Mechanics 
(3+0)3CE 307 CE 3615

* Design Elective Courses

Arrangements for Technical Elective Courses for Students Registered After the 2023-2024 Academic Year

  1. Students in their seventh semester selects a branch among Geotechnics, Materials of Construction, Transportation, Water Resources and Hydraulics or Structural Mechanics branches.
  2. At least four of five technical courses should be selected from branch(es) listed in article 1. At least two of these courses should be technical elective design courses. At most one technical elective course can be selected from outside of the Civil Engineering Undergraduate Program upon advisor’s approval.
  3. At least two courses should be taken from the selected branch. At least one of these courses should be a technical elective design course.
  4. At least one technical elective design course from the selected branch should have been completed succesfully to be able to take CE 402.
  5. Design project topic in CE 402 course should be determined from the selected branch.